Friday, January 28, 2011

holiday-imposed hiatus to come

lxxi. the five people you meet in heaven, mitch albom
EHHH. so popular, or at least it appears so, and i don't understand why at all. nice concept, average story, very average execution.

lxxii. the curious case of benjamin button and other stories, f. scott fitzgerald
quite good. i almost expected some fuddy-duddy o. henry type stuff and therefore was pleasantly surprised.

lxxiii. design of the 20th century, charlotte and peter fiell
decided to do some research in my very recent area of interest, and everybody and their mother studied architecture! verrry interesting. there is so much to know.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


viii. matt and kim, jan 21, becks festival bar, sydney festival

this was seriously the most fun gig i have been to in a long time. it was awesome! kim and matt were super energetic and enthusiastic, kim didn't stop smiling the whole time! and we had a balloon party and they just did whatever the hell they wanted, like asking guys to hold kim up as she WALKED out on to the crowd and did a booty dance. i also appreciate their MO of standing on their instruments, like why the hell not!

i realise i did not review ix. marina and the diamonds, dec 30, factory theatre

superlatively impressive, fantastic voice, appropriate props, centre stage fans for the hair. i find it a very strange phenomenon that when hearing something live, the pitch will seem absolutely perfect, and then on watching the exact same performance on a video some out-of-tune notes are more apparent. is the live enjoyment factor really that compensating?

Friday, January 21, 2011

seemingly random numbering system

xl. the social network
quite enjoyable. a movie about a website, i am still flabbergasted.

vi. the rapture, jan 6, the metro
suffocatingly hot! disgustingly humid and gross. i wasn't such a big fan and i am still eh about it.

vii. holly miranda, jan 15, the famous spiegeltent
pretty good! she was slightly different to what i expected, much more loose and jeff buckley-esque.

lxix. a model world, michael chabon
a good short story collection. i never know what to think about separate short stories one after the other with the same characters, especially in only the 2nd half of the book

lxx. manhood for amateurs, michael chabon
possibly more personal essay collection than memoir, but the memoir component was much more deeply analytical with respect to society and the changing of pop culture, than in others i have read (to wit: bill bryson). also sometimes hilarious especially when extolling on the virtues of the manbag: 'a purse is basically a vagina with a strap.. I adhered rigorously to the way of the pocket.. the only storage alternative was the dreaded belt clip, a kind of prosthetic penis, in its own inverse way as emasculating as a purse'. i found it very generous that he was able to discuss lego and the merits of custom (read: unreusable) pieces without ever referring to the obvious commercial interests involved, or the fact that lego is now like ikea furniture and just as fun.

i finished watching party down season 1 and have a sinking feeling about the future of henry and casey's relationship hahaha sigh, fav tv couple like, ever

Monday, January 10, 2011

another fortnight, another review dump

lxvii. ghost world, daniel clowes
i remember reading this really really fast after seeing the movie a long time ago and didn't really like it. i read it again quite fast and it seemed so much deeper this time, so much more jaded. it's probably me. now i want to see the movie again.

lxviii. american psycho, bret easton ellis
holy wow, the beginning of this book is so good. so gradual. and then it explodes everywhere like a bloody watermelon.

xxxix. black swan
combined with finishing the book above in the same week, this made me feel extra crazy. good movie though, overall i thought it was well done and the acting was good, it's almost sad that acting is 'good' these days when nothing is jarringly incompetent. natalie portman's neck is so small. also notch up another on the winona ryder comeback trail.

i started watching party down!! so good.

p.s. is 'movie' not a word anymore? i think my spellcheck is royally screwed up

Monday, January 3, 2011

must get mini pig

surely this is the most reblogged picture of any small animal ever but i don't care, look at it!
(ok i deleted the picture because people keep coming to my blog because of it)

my fish hjerb was previously eating very unenthusiastically but now i have starved him twice for possibly 4 days, upon which he subsequently ate like a normal greedy fish each time.

movie review - doctor zhivago
hmm, i don't know about the inherent condoning of adultery but whatever. russia is cold, furry hats seem awesome, how does one resuscitate an iodine-drinking suicide attempt with a length of rubber tubing?