Wednesday, January 13, 2010


x. the brief wondrous life of oscar wao, junot diaz - i think i need to read it again and also look up some spanish words, similar incorporation of but not as expert as hemingway. good though, i took it to vanuatu and also read everyone else's books, no one read mine because it looked hard. THAT HAS NEVER DETERRED ME

xi. love my rifle more than you, kayla williams - memoir/account of being in the US army and going to iraq. i feel like it is one of the better non-fiction memoir type books i have read in a long time, sufficiently detailed and about real things and not seen so much through rose-coloured glasses like many are. though i have read the night of the gun which was anything but that.

xii. tales of the otori 2, lian hearn - worldwide bestsellers what? being made into a movie? who reads this stuff? dribble. stereotyped characters. literally, they would say or do certain things which were clearly meant to mean more like 'oh hi, look at me i'm a haughty acristocratic woman being dismissive of others, go do shit for me!!'

1 comment:

  1. I really liked Oscar Wao.. and felt chuffed that my newly acquired spanish came in handy! Felt like I was sharing an in-joke with the author haha.
