Sunday, March 21, 2010

63. implants.. are boring, and other things

so, i am currently 1/5 of the way through a free (!) implant mentor program, in which i am sure to add to my collection of unusually small maxillary models (care of Nobel Biocare). i have come to the conclusion that i don't find implants that interesting, mainly because no matter how great they are they never look 100%. sure they can look pretty good, but the onus is on the clinician to do the best with what they've got. even with grafting etc, there are definitely limits. it's not so much problem solving as trying to get the closest to the ideal procedural steps. which is stressful, and for a result which can always, always be improved upon, and which will only deteriorate with time. not my idea of job satisfaction.

if i were to remain a general dentist i think my most favourite things to do would be anterior composites and endo. nothing like immediate (or relatively quick) results. the thing about RCT in general practice is that i have found most dentists get extremely lazy and don't do everything they should, which gets them by most of the time. but then they wonder why it sometimes doesn't work? i wouldn't be an endodontist though, the end of the line is never really a good place to be especially when it means dealing with other people's shitty work.

i probably think much too much about work when i'm not at work.

mainly i'm writing this because i'm in the middle of reading 2 dense books, 1 larger than a brick, the other a pocket penguin. interesting that it is the latter in which i am reading every single word. therefore i have not finished any books this week and have no reviews to write.

i had been debating whether to purchase a holga or not this past fortnight, but have concluded that my dad has awesome old film cameras so i am gonna play with them first.

i haven't been this tired in a long time and yet i am here and also i know i probably won't sleep in tomorrow, it's a very bad habit to be both a morning person and someone who stays up late.

p.s. should i blog about other stuff? this list thing is not my life though my life includes it. opinions please

1 comment:

  1. Yes blog about your life too so we know what you've been up to! also, my implant looks picture perfect so I think you can get job satisfaction
